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In the first half of 2021, Team Arc continued to do what they do best – provide stellar services for our children and adults, while safeguarding their health and well-being. Potentials’ students closed out a successful year of hybrid in-person and distance learning, the Early Intervention programs assisted more infants than ever before, the Adult Services’ team coordinated testing, vaccinations, and safe community engagement, and our mentors connected with their peers in creative ways.

This fall, watch out for some incredibly exciting news about the future of The Arc and our work in the community. We are embracing every opportunity to grow, innovate, and provide more choices and greater independence for those we serve. The Arc will be at the forefront of diversity, inclusion, and acceptance, working to advance the rights of all people in our community. We are looking forward to embarking on this journey with you.

There are so many WAYS to GIVE!

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The work The Arc of Palm Beach County does is felt in all corners of the community. Every year, we serve more than 2,800 families. Through our meaningful programs, we change lives every day.

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Thank you to all of our amazing