
The year was 1958, the Hula-Hoop rolled into stores and Elvis joined the army. In Palm Beach County, it marked a turning point for people with developmental disabilities as The Arc of Palm Beach County was incorporated.

People with developmental disabilities have emerged from a dark past. Sixty years ago, a person diagnosed with profound developmental and cognitive delays was often institutionalized or isolated at home, barred from public education, deemed unemployable, and in some cases, medically sterilized.

“Back then, there was little information on developmental disabilities and there were even fewer options. It was common for doctors to tell parents to just put their child in an institution,” said Kimberly McCarten, president and CEO of The Arc of Palm Beach County. “Every parent wants the best for their child. They want them to achieve and lead fulfilling lives. That is the spirit that formed The Arc.”

In celebration of its diamond anniversary, The Arc of Palm Beach County plans a yearlong “Shine with Us” campaign to highlight the programs and people who have contributed to its progress and achievements over the last 60 years.

Carol Hochstaedt remembers being told that her infant daughter Diane had “profound mental retardation” and that there was “nothing you can do.” It was 1975. Two years later, the Hochstaedts moved to Palm Beach County so Diane could attend The Arc’s preschool. There, she learned to walk and received many therapies that have helped her live a more fulfilling life.

Now at age 42, Diane still requires constant supervision, but is able to live in one of the nonprofit’s four group homes. Her parents visit her every week and bring her home on Sundays.

“The Arc is a blessing to me. It has made such a difference in my life,” said Carol Hochstaedt. “Because I know Diane is being cared for, I have peace of mind. I have time to have dinner with my husband, and to volunteer.” Hochstaedt, who serves on The Arc’s board of directors, realizes there are people who still aren’t familiar with The Arc and its mission, which is why she tries to help spread the word.

The Arc of Palm Beach County serves 2,800 families by providing in-home services for preschool-aged children, the Potentials Charter School for kindergarten through eighth grade students, residential services for adults, employment training, respite care, and family support.

The Arc invites the community to “Shine with Us” throughout this diamond anniversary year. Supporters can purchase commemorative gifts and artwork created by The Arc’s artisans, and attend the diamond-themed Cowboy Ball fundraiser on March 10 at the Four Seasons Resort Palm Beach. To learn more about The Arc or to purchase tickets to the Cowboy Ball, please visit


About the Arc of Palm Beach County

The Arc of Palm Beach County has been improving the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities, and their families, through services, education, and advocacy since 1958. The Arc supports programs throughout Palm Beach County that reach more than 2,800 families each year.

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Shelli Lockhart

Venue Marketing Group

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561-844-1778, ext. 20

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The work The Arc of Palm Beach County does is felt in all corners of the community. Every year, we serve more than 3,500 families. Through our meaningful programs, we change lives every day.

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